Nandini And Avni

Nandini and Avni publish their thoughts, stories and jokes here.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Infant Potty Training

When Nandini was about 15 days old, we tried to notice the little signals she made before nature's calls. She would usually make a small shrill cry, twitch a bit. Very slight signals, but as I lay next to her, I could make out. I put a small mat next to the bed, and as soon as I saw her signals, I started untying her nappy and making a sshh sound while holding her over the mat. She responded well, and there were a lot of days that passed when there was just one or two miss.

Alas, little carelessness and lethargy prevailed. I got slow, forgetting to continue her exercise. In due course of time, Nandini would be all wet, and not blink a single time! :( When she was 3 months, I again got in the groorve, but by then, I had trained her to urinate in her nappy and she was wilfully obliging. I tried various sounds, took her to the wash basin, tried a mat etc, but to no avail. I had failed her once, and she was not relenting.

Then came the cute little wonder - potty seat. I started timing Nandini, usually it was first thing after waking up, after a feed, about 20 minutes after bath etc. Since then, I try to make her sit on the seat on those times. It was hard at fast, she fussed and fussed, cried, howled, made all sorts of movements to get up from the seat. But now, she knows that is she sits on the seat and she has to go she will. There are still some misses, but it is worth it.


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